About Pablo Perez

Pablo Perez

Pablo Pérez, founder of GLORIOUS CHRIST Ministries. For the past 30+ years Pablo has ministered worldwide—leading presence worship and sharing the gospel of the Kingdom. Both Pablo and his wife Andrea are originally from Argentina (missionaries in Mexico during the 90s—and living in the U.S. since mid 2000).

Pablo and Andrea are based in the Treasure Coast, FL

Watch the “Pablo Classics” playlist: https://www.pabloperez.com/classics

Glorious Christ Devotionals

"Glorious Christ" Devotionals

Want to behold the Glory of Christ in Scripture? Then you’ll enjoy the live devotional sessions Pablo records at 6 AM, from the Open Door House of Prayer—they are worship devotionals focused on beholding the glory of Christ as revealed in the Bible. In every episode, Pablo aims to highlight a different dimension of who Jesus Christ is (His person and nature) and what He has done (His work).
Glorioso Cristo

Devocionales "Glorioso Cristo"

Cristo Glorioso son devocionales de adoración enfocados en la gloria de Cristo revelada en las Escrituras (la Biblia). En cada capítulo, Pablo busca resaltar una dimensión diferente de quién es Jesucristo (Su persona y naturaleza) y lo que ha hecho (Su obra en la cruz). Como cantante teólogo (en esta serie de devocionales) Pablo cantará acerca de “Los 7 Diamantes del Evangelio y la Gloria de Cristo”